Don Grigware is an Ovation nominated actor with The Road Theatre Company who inaugurated Behind the Scenes Theatre Chit Chat for the former Metro LA (previously NoHo LA) during a six-year stint as theatre editor. He has contributed to the former with his monthly column Let’s Talk Theatre.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Stephanie Zimbalist Essays Kate Hepburn
Stan Mazin and I greet StephanieZimbalist after her wonderful turn as Kate Hepburn in M. Lombardo's Teaat Five at Ensemble Theatre in Santa Barbara.
review above!
Love Stephanie! Saw her in "The Price' this summer in New York. A group is headed out to see her on Friday. Really wish I could make it. Thanks for the review.
Love Stephanie! Saw her in "The Price' this summer in New York. A group is headed out to see her on Friday. Really wish I could make it. Thanks for the review.